Monday, November 14, 2005

What creates Bush hatred?


Read this Powerline post on the insanity of Bush Hatred (they call it Bush Derangement Syndrome). I especially like their presentation of the opposite of the insanity of Bush Hatred, and use Bruce Willis as an example of "sanity". Think about that for a momment...........Bruce Willis is least where Bush and the war or terror are concerned.

Make sure you read the comments at the bottom of this post. They really help drive home what the insanity of Bush Hatred is all about.


I have known for a long time that Bush haters also hate all conservative Christian republicans, and anyone with any two of those three traits. The Bush haters will tell a person to their face that they don't hate them, then start spewing venom about all the other "lying, hatemongering Nazi like religious rednecks that want to shove their religion down our throats and put storm troopers in our bedroom". But I have never quite figured out how this hatred got it's strength.

An incredibly arrogant opinion piece from Naomi Wolf in The Guardian sheds a little light on the subject. I suggest reading it for the purpose of understanding the cultural war Americans are facing.

Her premise is that Bush supporters have now "had enough" of his lies and are now just waiting for the next president.............Democrat or republican it doesn't matter. She thinks that Bush supporters were "sedated" by the "intoxicant of ruthless jingoism". For those who don't know what "jingoism" is yet (the left has been using it more and more over the past two years to describe Bush's speeches) it is an appeal to emotional patriotism, or nationalism. I guess she means when Bush stood on the rubble at ground zero and said "we will rebuild" or when he said "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror" as he tried to build a coalition to invade Afghanistan and crush the Taliban. I don't really remember being sedated or intoxicated, but she thinks I was.

She thinks most of Bush's supporters are white men who the rest of America had left behind, and as such they are social and economic couch potatoes waiting for the next Clancy book turned movie (because they can't read) to give them a sense of justice in the world.

She makes so many rude comments about America that I wondered if she's French. She inflates the Katrina response to the level of holocaust, complete with "black and brown bodies" floating in the streets and black "babies crying for water". She reduces the Iraq war into Cheney's "Halliburton cronies carving up Iraq" and enshrines "2000" as though it came from the Biblical book of Numbers. She claims the U.S. is no longer a democracy, the press is no longer free, judges are oppressed,

She closes with this......."Bush will never recover his swagger in our eyes: he was our dealer....." I doubt Naomi ever bought anything from Bush........not the least his swagger.

So what is it about the origins of Bush hatred that I have induced from the rant of Naomi Wolf? Nothing. It's as insane as any other Bush hating rant I've heard in the past 6 years (acutally, in my family Bush hatred goes all the way back G.H.W. Bush's presidency). It's insane to hate the man and it's insane to hate those of us who love him. I take Ms. Wolf's diatribe as proof of that statement.


At 7:36 PM, Blogger Lowell said...

Why in God's name would you "love" Mr. Bush? He has failed at everything he's tried in life. His entire existence is a lie. He has dragged the country down in almost every way: the war in Iraq has made us more vulnerable to terrorists, not less; the economy will take years to recover from his gifts to the rich and military spending; etc., etc. No doubt you've heard all those complaints. But you need to take them seriously. I personally don't care what you believe, but at least be open to see what is happening. Even Bush's Republican base, even some "evangelicals" are now pulling back with their support.

There is no longer any question that he lied straight out to the American people about WMD in Iraq. Thousands of people have died as a result.

Many of us "liberals" (Lutheran, too), we don't hate Christians. We just have little patience for fundamentalism which believes a lot of nonsense about which it knows almost nothing. I would guess most fundamentalists have no idea how their "idol," the Bible came into existence; who were the writers; the types of material it contains; how the current books were chosen for the canon... Are you aware that Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian; that he remained a Jew all of his life and had no intention of starting a church? Do you know that Paul is really the founder of Christianity and created it out of a mix of Judaism and mystery religions. The story of a "god" coming to earth, dying, being resurrected was very popular in the first century as were ceremonies of baptism and sacramental meals. Have you ever thought of how "canibalistic" it is to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the "savior?" That's right out of the mystery religions. Scholars are certain that Jesus never spoke those words you find so common: This is my body, etc.

Now you can choose fundamentalism if you so desire; that's fine. The problem many of us have with the religious right is that they want to impose their beliefs on the rest of society. Believe what you want, but leave the rest of us alone. We don't hate you, we just want you to respect the views and beliefs of others. We do not live in a "Christian" nation (thank God, as historically where that was the case, non-Christians were treated rather badly), but we live in a secular, pluralistic country where all religions are welcome and those who choose no religion are welcome.
If you are interested, check out, and Try to read with an open mind and you might learn somethings.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To hate you do not have to be insane - we as men have a dark side, the Church calls it the sin nature of man.

As for Bush his quest for war has put 4 of my children in harms way. I saw only lies take us into Iraq, I see the Republicans do nothing to set the record right. I see a grab for power and a loss of my personal freedoms. I see fear used to manipulate the general public, and corporatism growing stronger. I see the treasury being emptied, and good job going to other countries.

Why do people hate Bush - because he is destroying our country, he is killing our children, he is taking food out of the mouths of hungry children (see budget cuts this week) and he is destroying the environment (see W VA - mountain leveling)....

These activities are not Christian.

At 8:10 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

Thank you both for so wonderfully making my point

At 8:40 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

Bye the anyone who is wondering.......I do not know "lansohn" or "dave b" and did not put them up to making those comments. But they couldn't be more perfect could the?

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:31 PM, Blogger senorlechero said... with the two previous posters, I can't thank you enough for posting. Nothing more need be said

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:18 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...


Now there's an inteligent comment. Would you care to back it up with some facts, or are you content with making crazy accusations about people you know nothing about?

You said that I have a "fixation that Bush is in the same league as Christ our Lord and Savior." I'll give you a chance to either back it up or retract.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on the post and your comments, Geoff. The people who hate President Bush have closed their minds to everything else and just run with the latest propaganda. They refuse to educate themselves regarding how the war is going, the economy, or anything else he touches. They embarrass and sadden me.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

Any honest reader can see that I have given the anonymous commenters plenty of opportunity to back up their hate filled and false comments with facts. They (perhaps it's only one person) have chosen not to do so, and continue to post lies.

Therefore whenever an anonymous poster posts comments which contain lies or hateful remarks I will delete that comment and post one of my own which will say....."The previous comment was deleted because the hateful person who posted it is a coward"

If that person wants their comments posted they will need to attatch an identifiable e-mail address.

At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7:49 AM, Blogger senorlechero said...

The comment above was deleted because the anonymous poster had nothing kind, creative or original to say

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:54 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

The comment above was deleted because the anonymous poster is a coward

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:22 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

The anonymous comment above was deleted because the poster is rude as well as cowardly

At 2:25 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

What would motivate someone to post rude and hateful comments on someone's website? Why would that person not post their name and e-mail address? Why would that person call me a coward for deleting their rude comments, when it is them that hides their identity while calling other people names.

Childish doesn't begin to describe it. Boorish isn't close either.

Anyone have a word for it?

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:28 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...


I have not attacked anyone. I challanged you to back up your comments with facts and you have not done so.

I encourage people who disagree to read my posts and comment. But you make outrageous comments, mean spirited and hateful comments, with no basis in fact, and expect me to allow that?

The will not be happening around here

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:57 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

You have not responded to a single thing I've said. You think me using the term "Bush haters" is an attack? "Bush can't answer a question....", "Presidency is failing....", "George Boy", "worst president...", "feel sorry for him...", "destruction of their lives continue until he's out of office". These are just a few of the outrageous things you have said. Any reasonable person would say you "Hate" Bush. In fact, I think you yourself said it in another comment. So Why is it an attack to point that out to you?

You make statements about me that are not true..........for instance....."And you think Bush haters are closed minded". I never said that. I don't think they are closed minded. I think they have a form of mental illness. That is what I have said.

Read your own rants and decide for yourself. I'm happy to let you rant and have people read it.

But if you make hatefilled personal attacks that have no basis in fact (like when you said I place Bush in the same category as Jesus Christ) I will delte it.

It's my site, that is my rule, and a very resonable one at that.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:36 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

He cut taxes and got the economy going again ending the Clinton recession

That's one.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has helped create 4.2 million new jobs in the past 28 months, and homeownership is at an all time high. There's two more.

At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:37 AM, Blogger senorlechero said...

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At 12:44 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

AJ...great points. So you remember back in 2003 when the Democrats were saying Bush was responsible for "the worst job creation record since Hoover"?

Funny that you don't hear them now saying that his past 3 years have outpassed Clinton in job creation.

Unemployment is as low as it was under Clinton.....but that doesn't count either....because "factories and mills continue to close"

And your point about home ownership is awesome. What great news that is (I wonder why Democrats don't think so?). Minority home ownership is at an all time high.........and specifically African/American home ownership is at an all time high. These are great things for America.

Home foreclosures are down. Here in CA, back in the 90's, hundreds of FHA and HUD homes were foreclosed on. Now there are very few.

It's a good time to be a working person in America.

At 5:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:50 AM, Blogger senorlechero said...

No anonymous..........YOU DID IT AGAIN

I responded to AJ...saying....."Do you remember when Democrate were saying...."

You have a big problem with reading. See at the top of that comment, when it says......."AJ"....that's a direct response to AJ's comment above.

It is the TRUTH that Democrats said what I said they did. It is the TRUTH that under BUSH millions of jobs have been created. THe fact that you don't want to see that is your problem, and indicitave of your problem. If it was Clinton you would have no problem seeing this BOOMING ecomomy

THE POST I DELETED WAS MY you see where it says "deleted by the AUTHOR"?

Don't worry, you don't need to apologize......I'm not sure you know how to anyway

At 9:08 AM, Blogger senorlechero said...

And another thing.......anon.......why do you split hairs? There are "al Queada" terrorists all over the a few are in Afghanistan, but the command structure that was there is GONE..obliterated......wiped out. Only someone who wants to bicker would argue that fact.

Check the stats on enemy combatants killed in Afghanistan over the past two years......they are overwhelmingly Taliban fighters, not al Queda.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:38 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...

The anonymous comment above was deleted because the person lied, used crude and rude language.

I have given that particular anonymous poster several chances to change, and they just used their last chance.

Every post I determine to be by that cowardly, lying, arrogant poster will be deleted, for no other reason than it is from them.

If any other anonymous posters don't want to be deleted just use a real id with a link to a real e-mail address and you will not be deleted.

Bye bye anonymous, and good riddnce

At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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