Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Time for a 51st state.....Southern California

When teachers, firefighters and other public employees become union thugs it's time for a change. Perhaps that change should be my family and I leaving California, the state I was born and raised in, but I think a better idea would be for southern California to secede from the rest of the state and become the 51st state.

The results of yesterday's election here have driven home the sad reality that California is run by public employee unions, primarily the teacher's unions, firefighter's union and the prison guards union. These three pump so much money into the Democrat's campaigns that only bazillionairs like Arnold can run against them. Those Democrats want (and the unions support) higher taxes, more public employees, more casino gambling, less stringent drug laws, gay marriage, illegal alien rights (including voting rights and drivers licenses), less private land development, increased access to abortions, "free" health care for everyone, and the list goes on and on.........including teenage abortions without parental notification.

It's sick and sad that those who are supposed to protect and teach our youth care so little about families and the health of young women that they would vote to defeat Prop. 73, a bill that would have required parental notification before a child could have an abortion. But that's the reality here in CA.

But the reality here in San Diego county is quite different, as is Riverside county, Orange county, San Bernadino county. Imperial county. Those counties, along with many in the central valley (Kern, Fresno, Inyo, Mono, Merced) have traditional conservative values, and vote those values. I have not yet seen the election results from yesterday, but I'm guessing it will show that those counties voted overwhelmingly to approve Props 73, 74, 75, 76 and 77, while the rest of the state, including the humongous Los Angeles county, voted to defeat them. It's always this way. We vote, but get nowhere because the rest of the state is incredibly liberal. Red/Blue county maps show a perfect division in our state. I think that division should be made permanent by creating a state called Southern California.

Why should we in Southern California be represented by the likes of Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi? Why should our futures be directed by the people who live in Los Angeles, who need the taxes we pay to survive and can demand more from us any time they want to?

I think the time to create the 51st State in the United States is now, and Southern California is the place.


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting idea...

check this link out if you want to see maps on how each county voted for each proposition

At 2:19 PM, Blogger senorlechero said...


Thanks for the link. With a few exceptions my assumptions were correct. But what surprised me was that MOST counties in CA voted conservatively on Props 73, 74, and 75.............abortion, teachers tenure, and union dues.

Maybe instead of carving off southern CA we should carve out LA and the coastal counties up through northern CA and dump them, calling them "Left" California and the rest of us would remain good ole CA.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger devildog6771 said...

"Why should we in Southern California be represented by the likes of Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi? Why should our futures be directed by the people who live in Los Angeles, who need the taxes we pay to survive and can demand more from us any time they want to?"

I have a better idea Jimob, don't bring all those things to California. ROMOVE all the military BASES and any related industry. Let them create their own jobs and income.

As for those three "nut cases," send them to live in Russia or one of the Central Asian countries for long assignment. Let's see if their "views" change then!

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geoff, how many law-abiding citizens do you think will turn in their guns by the deadline? I sure wouldn't. I'd cross state lines to sell my registered weapon, and buy a non-registered weapon at a gun show.

In fact, I might just do that anyway in case the insanity spreads.

I left California a long time ago, and I'm glad to be gone.

Good luck, Geoff!



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